DIMAR Cutting Tools Ltd.
Products   » Routing » Panel Bits
Panel Bits

Panelling was developed in antiquity to make rooms in stone buildings more comfortable. The panels served to insulate the room from the cold stone. In more modern buildings, such panelling is often installed for decorative purposes. Panelling, such as wainscoting and boiserie in particular, may be extremely ornate and resemble Victorian architecture. In recent years, this fashion entered the home kitchen, libraries and many other rooms in private homes. Re-facing kitchen cabinets with amazing designs of panels in a vast variety of materials and color combinations are now popular.

The Panel bits with Replaceable Carbide Knives are part of our NOVA™ system of Insert Tooling. They may be used on a stationary, portable or CNC router machines. Please explore its Features & Benefits by simply clicking the icon below.


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