DIMAR Cutting Tools Ltd.
Products   » Cutting » Corner round & Convex cutters
Corner round & Convex cutters

Corner Round or Rounding Over Cutters also known as Ovolo (or ovulo) in architecture, is a convex moulding that has a cross section in the form of a quarter circle or an ellipse.  As the name suggests, the end result is a quarter-round shape given to the edge of the wood. We have developed several unique cutters that will facilitate rounding over of the wood with results that virtually do not need sanding.

Dimar’s Rounding Over & Convex Cutters are made from a wear resistant aluminum or steel bodies, complete with replaceable solid tungsten carbide knives.

Suitable for producing cuts in softwood, hardwood and man-made boards on a spindle moulder.

The Corner Rounding cutters with Replaceable Carbide Knives are part of our NOVA™ system of Insert Tooling. They may be used on a stationary, or CNC shaper cutter machines. Please explore its Features & Benefits by simply clicking the icon below.

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