DIMAR Cutting Tools Ltd.
Products   » Routing » Beading Bits
Beading Bits

Beading bits are decorative pattern that normally applies to the edge of the wood, in order to produce a rounded shape which is imbedded into the wood. Plunge beading bits produce rounded internal corners that give a special ornamental design.

A Corner beading bit is similar to a round over bit in that it applies a rounded shape to the edge of the stock. The difference between a Corner beading bit and a round over bit is that the beading bit also cuts a square shoulder on the top and bottom edges of the round over.

Corner beading bits often have a ball bearing guide for riding along the edge of the stock as it is cut. For delicate woods, Super GuideTM ball bearings may be used.  Plunge beading bits may be guided with a fence or by CNC programming.

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